About Accuhorsemat and how it works

How it works


Accuhorsemat is a clever acupressure rug for use on horses. It increases blood flow, relaxes muscles and releases beneficial endorphins, so your horse relaxes and feels better.

Using the rug before riding relaxes the muscles and calms tense horses – making it easier to get to work. Using Accuhorsemat® after training helps the horse’s muscles to recover more quickly and at the same time gives a pleasant feeling of relaxation.

Taut muscles mean that the horse can experience pain, overcompensate with movements that are harmful to the body, develop a shorter stride length and have impaired muscle growth. Our tests show that Accuhorsemat® makes horses calmer and relaxes the muscles, which means your horse relaxes and feels better.


Increase Circulation

Increasing blood flow is also an ancient method to promote healing.   Circulation is critical to a horse’s recovery process.  It brings nutrient rich oxygen to help muscles recover, removes toxins and wastes, reduces inflamation, and improves the body’s ability to heal itself.

Myofacial Release

Fascia is the connective tissue web that runs throughout your horse’s entire body, surrounding and infusing every muscle, tendon, ligament, bone, organ, blood vessel and nerve in the body (just like a human body!).  Rigorous physical training programs can put stress and strain on the fascia system, causing it to be bound down and restricted.  These fascial restrictions tighten over time, and the resulting tension can cause many problems like lack of flexibility, sore muscles, back pain, lead change problems, balance issues, poor collection, behavior issues, and tendon and ligament injury.

Using an acupressure blanket on a regular basis works to relax the restrictions in the fascia system.  The Accuhorsemat will restore the natural glide of the fascia to facilitate smooth movement, prevent injury, and improve recovery after exercise.

1. Shoulder acupressure mats

The Accuhorsemat blanket includes a large velcro patch on the inside, in the shoulder area.  The velcro area is deliberately larger than the shoulder mats so you can adjust the mats to where it works best for your horse, depending on how the blanket fits, and your horse’s needs.

2. Hindquarter acupressure mat

The hinddquarters mat is the the largest of the three acupressure mats, with the majority of the Accuhorsemat’s 11,000 pressure points found on this mat.  It has no points along the middle (spine area), and covers the hindquarters on both sides of the horse.

3. Adjustable pressure and fit with the blanket

The adjustable front closure straps on the blanket make it possible to regulate the pressure on the shoulder acupressure points – pull the straps tighter to place more pressure on the mats.   These straps also help insure the best fit of the blanket for your horse. The surcingles can be tightened as needed to keep the hindquarters mat firmly in place.

The acupressure mats for the hindquarters and shoulders are affixed to the blanket with velcro on the underside of the blanket.  The mats and blanket can be separated easily for adjustments and cleaning.

4. Sensitive areas are avoided
The hips and some of the spine processes are sensitive to pressure and should not be stimulated by an acupressure rug. The Accuhorsemat avoids these completely.

Diagram Accuhorsemat

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