Take a look at what’s On SALE!
Finally, A Hock Protector That Stays In Place
The healing process cannot take place unless a protective layer is placed between the ground and the skin.
Click Knee Shield Horse$ 67.00 ex. VAT
Click Fetlock Shields$ 56.00 ex. VAT
Click Hock Shield Ultra$ 75.00 ex. VAT
Click Hock Shield$ 64.00 ex. VAT

Finnish sheep wool wrapped around a horse’s leg improves blood circulation and prevents stress injuries . If your horse’s legs swell or accumulate fluid, wool will take care of these problems as well.
Wool lanolin also treats joints and tendons and is recommended by veterinarians for the home treatment of tendon injuries.
Wool is antibacterial, so it treats horses’ wounds as well
Equi Ergo Fit Mohair Girths
Handmade to order – 100% mohair cord – Sprenger buckles – EU leather for buckle protectors